Monday, July 27, 2009

Kristin Cavallari: out and about in Beverly Hills

Enjoying a day off filming, Kristin Cavallari was seen out and about in Beverly Hills today (July 27).

Rocking a sexy LBD and a denim jacket, Kristin made her way to a little cafe on Doheny Dr. for a bite to eat before getting on with her day.
Credit - gossip center

Lauren Conrad's brunette wig (from the Harper's Bazaar shoot) was donated to a girl with cancer

US Weekly Dishes:

Celeb stylist Ken Paves donated the wig he made for Lauren Conrad's Harper's Bazaar shoot to a young woman suffering from cancer.

"Last weekend, I flew to Detroit to give the wig to Emily Lisner, who has lymphoma," Paves -- who also works with Jessica Simpson and Eva Longoria Parker -- tells "And Lauren filmed a message on my Flip cam.

"She was so, so excited," Paves says of the bobbed-wig. "We had an amazing time. It was such an incredible, inspiring situation. I then cut the wig in her house to really customize it for her, give it some bangs. Her mom was just laughing."

Paves -- who also brought a signed copy of Conrad's new book, Hard Candy -- calls Lisner "inspiring. It's great to give a gift to somebody who also gives back to so many people."

He plans to stay in touch with Lisner and help her sell bracelets on his Web site.

"I love what I do so much, but it's nice to have a greater meaning, to stand for something more," Paves tells Us.
Credit - closet cravings

Audrina Patridge: my favorite moments at comic con

It's official: Ladies love getting their geek on at Comic-Con.

Even though it's been perceived in the past as a "fanboys only" festival, some of Hollywood's hottest actresses are embracing it as their own as they meet their most passionate audience. Some even want to sneak around in costume!

First timer Audrina Patridge says she loves the fans who don constumes. "I first heard about Comic-Con from watching Entourage a couple of years ago but I've never been," Patridge said of her trip to San Diego to tell fans about her latest acting gig in Sorority Row. "I mean, there are so many comic fans and people dressing up on the street!"

"I just love that there are so many people in costumes," agreed Zombieland's Emma Stone. "I haven't been on the floor yet. I've just seen them walking around. I haven't gotten to see the true diehards yet. I can't wait to see all the homemade costumes."

Some of the ladies are even considering joining the fans in costume and checking out the scene incognito. Patridge wants to go undercover as Star Wars' Princess Leia, while Kristin Bell would love to be Chewbacca – even though she may be a bit height-challenged to become a Wookiee. "Maybe I could just have a hole in the bellybutton that I could see out of," she laughed. "I could make it work."

Credit - Comic-Con Portraits from Entertainment Weekly, people

Olivia Palermo: at a cafe in the East Village 7/25

Enjoying the gorgeous summertime weather, Olivia Palermo was spotted relaxing at a cafe in the East Village of New York City on Monday (July 27).

Recently returned to the Big Apple following a trip to Miami, the MTV reality star turned ELLE fashionista sipped on a cool beverage in between pecking away on her cell phone.
Credit - gossip center

Will Heidi And Spencer Bring Religion To 'The Hills'?

Heidi Montag and Spencer Pratt have never been particularly preachy on "The Hills," but it seems that lately the pair have become more open about their religious beliefs, discussing them in detail during their stint on "I'm a Celebrity ... Get Me Out of Here!" So does that mean the pair known as Speidi will bring religion to "The Hills" next?

Holly Montag, Heidi's older sister and occasional "Hills" co-star, shared her view on the matter. "I'm not sure. It's interesting, because Heidi has always been that way," she told MTV News. "There's never really been anything different about Heidi. Now she's been given a venue somehow where she's been able to express that more openly and freely that the public is finally aware of it."

Meanwhile, Spencer has only recently embraced religion and Holly isn't sure how that will affect his behavior on the show. "Spencer wasn't that religious before," she said. "So I don't know if it'll change his spirituality. Either way, Heidi ... I'm very proud of her. It's very cool to stand up for what you believe in. I think it's the coolest thing in the world."

Although Holly says she's "very religious as well," she admits that she's not as open about it as Speidi. "I'm open for discussions, and I always talk about my faith and how fortunate I am and blessed I am," she said, adding, "But the extreme measures they go to are a little bit different than how I choose to express myself."
Credit -

Erin Lucas: Maxim girl

Whitney Port may technically be the star of MTV’s The Hills spin-off, The City, but it’s her super-smokin’, boy-crazy BFF, Erin Lucas, who had us all agog. Unfortunately, our eye candy is leaving The City to pursure a hosting career.
Luckily, we caught up with the 24-year-old hottie, daughter of AC/DC bassist Cliff Williams, to ask about her memorable firsts.

First Time She Realized Her Dad Was Different Than Other Dads
I was a total MTV junkie, and I saw my dad on TRL and was like, "Fuck, yeah, Dad’s on TRL, woo!"

First Taste of Fame
I was with Whit at a bar in New York, and some girls asked me to take a picture. I’m used to girls asking if I’ll take a picture of them and Whit, but this time they wanted me in the shot. I hugged them and told them they popped my cherry!

First Kiss
I was in the eighth grade. I was such a little prude back in middle school. I was going out with this guy who was a grade older than me. I made him wait an entire month before I would let him kiss me. It was after homecoming, and I was really nervous. I think he had gum in his mouth, and somehow it ended up in mine. I was floating. I was so in love. Eighth-grade puppy love.

Credit - maxim

Lauren Conrad Splashes at Harrah's

Anyone arriving at Harrah's in Atlantic City Saturday afternoon can already feel the anticipation. So many girls dressed in the order of Lauren Conrad, so little time for this reporter to prepare. Two hours before 10pm, gals and guys started building near The Pool After Dark nightclub. But when 10:00 arrived, it was pretty clear we were in for an exciting night. And it just got even bigger. In The Pool, several of Lauren's fans sounded off on what they like about Lauren Conrad. Sarah, 24, likes the way Lauren's hair is twisted and braided. And she's always been a fan of LC since Laguna Beach. Nicole, 23, and Samantha, 21, are BFF's that have one thing in common. Lauren Conrad. Both think Lauren's hair, both think Lauren's real, which Samantha says that Lauren tells it like it is. And they both hate Heidi and Spencer. But Nicole and Samantha are at odds with Kristin Cavallari joining The Hills. Nicole's for it, but Sam is not. "It's gonna break up our friendship", jokes Nicole. And according to Samantha, she feels Kristin Cavallari is an attention whore, and that The Hills is going to go down. Both are also at odds with Lo Bosworth, Nicole like Lo, Samantha doesn't. Melissa, 23, who's another fan of LC, sees Lauren as a normal girl living the life. Melissa feels that she would be a down to earth person, who's got a lot going for her. Melissa doesn't know if she'll watch The Hills without Lauren, but she does know that she's no fan of K. Cav. or Lo. Melissa says "I just don't like Lo for some reason, I don't know." Despite Lauren's huge fanfare, there happen to be those naysayers who just see Lauren as no different than the girl across Troy, 26, who said these words. "She's not a nobody, but she's just a regular person to me", says Troy. One girl may have got upset at the fact that she couldn't get a clear picture of Lauren, and shouted out "I'm done", referring to being a fan of Lauren. Another girl almost meant those same words before getting a clear picture of Lauren when snapping photos. And you had the occasion "Lauren/ LC sucks" chants, which only sounded once or twice. But above all that, Lauren's arrival in The Pool nightclub was pandemonium as all girls swelled up against each other to snap some golden shots of Miss Conrad herself, heading toward the cabana Lauren and her crew set up camp in. For nearly two hours, cameras kept flashing, resetting, flashing, zooming, flashing, and spring cleaning as Lauren played it cool with those devoted fans wanting a piece of LC that they can hold onto forever. During that time, Lauren came to the deejay stage to snap some shots with DJSL, and those fans who waited so long to get their picture taken with LC. Fans that were extremely lucky enough to get up close and personal were already on a VIP list, and had already paid $2,000 to $3,000 at least to reserve a spot in the jacuzzi/ cabana area, says Manny, 27, a Crowd Control Specialist. Manny also says that when a celebrity comes in you get 3,200 people or more, as opposed to 1,800 to 2,200 on a regular Saturday night. Right before 3am, Manny said the numbers were 3,162, which were preliminary at the time, as more people were being accounted for. But an hour before that, Lauren Conrad and camp stepped out of their cabana and called it a night, leaving her radiance to shine on until closing time, 4am. During the post-LC hours, young club patrons let it all hang out by losing their clothes and jumping in the pool with nothing but their boxers. At least the guys did. The girls were already were prepared with bikinis. Some gals thought it'd be easier to just leave their little black dresses on. Yet, some girls were just in their underwear, but not swimming to say the least. All in all, a night in the presence of Lauren Conrad was something to remember. Although, it wasn't a meet and greet like Christine, 24, thought, similar to her book tour for LA Candy, it was a chance for Lauren's twenty-something fans to come and see Lauren Conrad without the pre-teen/ teenage crowd, in a setting 20-year-olds are familar with. Another girl asked this reporter why I didn't catch the kind of lip-gloss Lauren kept putting on all throughout the night. She thought it was important so other girls can see what Lauren Conrad is wearing, which says a lot about how Lauren has become a major influence amongst young girls and young women. The importance of Lauren Conrad still continues to be great, and it'll only keep getting stronger since Lauren's already a best-selling author, an uber-popular TV star, as well as a dominant force in fashion with her signature styles that young girls have adapted in their closets. For all the Lauren fans that I talked to, there isn't a single doubt that Lauren Conrad will be successful in everything she does. Though, they do long for her return to reality TV, with guys competing for her love, or something similar to The Hills centered around LAUREN, or the days in which fans prefer "Lauren, Audrina, and Whitney" over "Lauren, Lo, and Audrina", fans will love Lauren Conrad no matter what, with no plans of letting go anytime soon. For Lauren Conrad, it's just beginning.
Credit - Daniel Quintanilla @ the

Audrina Patridge's "Too Racy" 944 Shoot

The cover of the current 944 Magazine features a demure "The Hills" star Audrina Patridge in a high-necked, prim and proper dress.

This photo was taken in her second photo shoot - the one the magazine scheduled after they deemed the photos from the first shoot - which was assigned to help promote the Del Mar Racetrack reopening in San Diego - way too racy.

We have those too-racy photos right here. What do you think - were they right to put Audrina in her Sunday best, or should they have gone with her low-cut shirt-wearing, horsewhip wielding shots?

Credit - fox411

Audrina Patridge: new myspace message

Monday, July 27, 2009
Current mood:Dancing!
So I've been hearing about my sister and her Kyle Loza's band project Piranha Fever and they finally put up music. It's really good!! You guys should check it out. It's been busy busy lately right now I'm at my Uncle's 50th birthday party at the river and I just requested the HER CONDOR remix everyone was confused and then excited. Anyways, I cannot wait to start filming for my own show!! I am .this close. to finding thee perfect Malibu beach house! Comic con was super fun and my big screen debut is getting closer.​.​.​.​.​anyways.​ Just wanted to give everyone a little update since I've been neglecting this whole myspace thing. LOVE LOVE KISS KISS
xo Audrina

p.s. If I see you at X games this friday and you're wearing a Piranha Fever t-shirt, come take a picture with me!! I want to make Casey smile, it's been a stressful month for her and she needs a night of fun! (can you tell I REALLY miss my sissy/best friend) aka why I'm posting a bulletin on myspace because she couldn't come out to the river and celebrate with our family...

p.p.s alright now I'm done. spread the word...

From Corey's myspace page:
Relaxin at the river with the babe before X games madness kicks off.
at 12:28 AM Jul 25

The Audrina & Corey pics are from last summer
All photos courtesy of Corey & Kyle's myspace pages.