Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Spencer and Heidi Pratt spout off on the radio: Pretty much everything is a conspiracy according to these two

Newlyweds and Hills villains Spencer and Heidi Pratt continue to stick with their "any publicity is good publicity" mantra, appearing on a radio show this week and spouting all manner of crazy talk.
The couple, having recently survived the fake-torture of I'm a Celebrity, Get Me Out of Here, shared their nutty world view on Infowars, a radio show hosted by conspiracy theorist Alex Jones, reports Jezebel.com. Jones, who recently released a video called The Obama Deception in which he alleges the president is merely a puppet controlled by the offshore bankers who engineered the financial crisis, found willing participants in the reality couple. Here's just a sample of their controversial conversation.
"It's mind-boggling trying to say there's global warming right now, that the icecaps are melting and the polar bears are gonna drown... We all know, we've all seen footage of the polar bears swimming on new pieces of ice. And we all know -- at least anyone who does their research on Alex Jones knows -- it was the coldest winter in years in Antarctica. Was it 30 per cent more ice? So, I mean, it's just shocking to me... this isn't conspiracy theories, this is factual evidence. It's just stuff that the mainstream media does not present to the public."
"I was just saying about birth control, because I got very scared about it the other day and I felt like God was telling me that this was something just created by the government that is really bad for my body and I was just getting sick, and I researched it, and one of the founding people who invented birth control said it was the worst thing they had ever done, they wished they'd never created it, how it morally corrupted society, it's just sickening to him. How it devalues women, how it causes depression, how it can cause cancer, how it sterilizes your body, and what it does to your body, how most women are suicidal sometimes on it, and in fact, in order to even stabilize the population right now, each woman would have to have three children, that the population is decreasing so much that population control is just a myth."
"The [Hills'] narrator [Lauren Conrad] didn't get along with us. She skewed the information on the show, just like the American government can manipulate the media... We used to have a phenomenal relationship with the media, they've kind of turned on us now because they've created us into such a monstrous thing... a monster in their opinion... like they made us too big, like the[y] Obama-sized us... [The Hills] just like the American government can narrate our media, is the same exact principles, like, so they can either put a positive light on you or a negative light."
Credit - The Vancouver Sun

Whitney Port shops Citarella and Williams-Sonoma 8/18

Making the most of a humid afternoon in the Big Apple, Whitney Port was all smiles as she strolled around New York City today (August 18).
Dressed casually yet stylishly in a short summer dress and sneakers, The City starlet shopped at Citarella and Williams-Sonoma before brunching with pals at a nearby eatery.
Credit - faded youth, fashion spot
Making the most of a humid afternoon in the Big Apple, Whitney Port was all smiles as she strolled around New York City today (August 18).
Dressed casually yet stylishly in a short summer dress and sneakers, The City starlet shopped at Citarella and Williams-Sonoma before brunching with pals at a nearby eatery.
Credit - faded youth

Erin Lucas and Samantha Swetra at the Premiere of 'My One and Only' 8/18

Erin Lucas and Samanth Swetra atteneded a screening of 'My One and Only' on 8/18. The film, which is inspired by events in the life of George Hamilton, stars Renee Zellweger.

Erin looking great, was sporting a WALTER Graffiti Skirt. Below is a photo of Samantha Sweta rocking the same WALTER Graffiti Skirt at Persol’s Incognito Design Exhibition at the Whitney Museum in June. True BFF's always share their wardrobe!

Thanks Jared!
Credit - wire image

Stephanie Pratt loves one-shoulder dresses

Lately, we've spotted Stephanie Pratt strut her stuff in everything from inside-out jackets to athletic gear to cutesy fedoras. But the one style she keeps coming back to? The sexy (but simple) off-the-shoulder dress.
In the above pix, see Steph's summer staple take the form of a hot pink mini-frock (at Maxim's Hot 100 partay), a Romanesque turquoise gown (at the L.A. premiere of Bruno) and a splashy babydoll print (at the Transformers: 2 fete).
Credit - Mtv

'House of Jazmin' Trailer

Jazmin is a young fashion designer who's trying to juggle her Li Cari label with the typical life of a twenty-year-old. The series premiere is tonight, August 18th on MTV.

I'm not wild about the trailer but I'm going to give the show a try. I hope it surprises me.

Erin Lucas: Interview with Nick Leighton & Luigi Tadini

What does Erin like in a guy? Skinny jeans, facial hair and good eye sex!
This is from 5/29
Credit - plumtv.com

Lauren Conrad is sporting a new “sticks and stones” tattoo

Lauren Conrad has a reminder that sticks and stones may break her bones, but words will never hurt her - tattooed on her back.
The 23-year-old reality TV star got the words “sticks and stones” permanently marked on her lower back to remind her not to care what people say about her.
Conrad revealed the idea came to her around the time she left The Hills.
“Nine months ago, I reached my breaking point,” the fashion designer said.
“I felt bad about myself because certain people were relentlessly attacking me and my reputation.
“My mom kept saying: ‘Let it go, Lauren. It doesn’t matter.’
“My friend also sat me down and asked: ‘Why do you care what people say about you? How does it really affect you at the end of the day?’
“I couldn’t come up with a good answer and I realized I had to stop worrying about what other people think.
“The next day, I got a tattoo on my lower back that says ’sticks and stones’ because they may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.
“Once I let go of that, I felt more confident about myself. And that made my decision to leave The Hills pretty easy.”
Credit - newpaparazzi.com

Stations buy 'Laguna Beach', 'The Hills' in one package

Trifecta Entertainment has sold MTV’s two popular reality strips, Laguna Beach and The Hills to stations covering 80% of U.S. households, the company said Friday, Aug. 7.
Trifecta sold the two shows as one package, with stations first airing Laguna Beach’s 44 episodes and then The Hills’ 70 episodes. One-third of the stations – including KDOC Los Angeles, WGN Chicago, KTXA, KRON San Francisco, WDCW Washington D.C., KSTW Seattle, WMOR Tampa and WUAB in Cleveland -- will air the two shows as a weekday strip.
Stations that only acquired the weekend hour will air just The Hills, which will be comprised as two half-hour episodes.
Stations airing the weekly hour include WPIX New York, KYW/WPSG Philadelphia, WLVI Boston, WATL Atlanta and WMYD Detroit.
Finally, some stations will air the shows both as a weekday strip and a weekend hour.
The two shows will launch Sept. 21.

Credit - broadcastingcable.com, mtv

Olivia Palermo and Teen Vogue’s Andrew Bevan

These are from April of this year but since it was a slow day yesterday and they hadn't been posted before, I thought you guys might enjoy them seeing them as much as I did.
Credit - citizencouture.com