Thursday, August 20, 2009

Heidi Montag Pratt opens up to Self Magazine

The 22-year-old Mrs. Spencer Pratt opened up to Self Magazine about a variety of subjects.
On getting more plastic surgery:“The fun thing about surgery is that they always have new things and you can always try things. I’m not sure what’s on that list right now, but I’m sure as I get older, I’ll want to keep up with maintenance as most Hollywood does.”
On performing on Miss Universe:“It’s my first performance ever, so I’ve very excited. It’s live. And it’s the biggest televised event in the history of T.V. It’s the biggest televised event in the history of TV. It’s bigger than the Super Bowl, it’s bigger than the World Cup, it’s over a billion eyes. I’m performing my single ‘Body Language’ so I’ve definitely gotten in great shape for that.”
On The Hills: “This is going to be the best season ever. Kristin Cavallari and the drama she is bringing––the hurricane is going to be incredible. I think there’s going to be a whole new audience. With Lauren [Conrad] on it, she didn’t really put a lot of her personal life on the show. Kristin comes in full throttle and that’s what people want to see, that’s what the audience wants to connect to, every part of your life. God willing, I don’t see the show going anywhere but up from here.”
On Speidi: “You definitely see how our life has changed now that we’re married. I want to have kids eventually or soon, and Spencer’s not too into that, so we’ll discuss all that and we adjust to our single friends and how they react to our marriage. It’s more of Newlyweds between us. It’s very interesting. I love my husband so much and I love that people feel like they’re part of us and part of our relationship.”
On her workout program: “The e-book is a healthy lifestyle to adapt and adjust your body to every day. You can download exercises, a plan to break-down what you should do each day, a whole health plan–it’s really a lifestyle of fitness.”
You can download Heidi’s workout program in PDF format at!
Credit - just jared

Audrina Patridge, Lo Bosworth and Stephanie Pratt fiming at the Viper Room 8/18

Lauren Conrad - excerpt from Shape Magazine

*******updated 8/26*******
Click here to see Lauren's complete shape interview with scans

When we last checked in with Lauren Conrad for our January 2008 cover, she seemed to have everything going for her: She was the star of the hit reality show The Hills, and her high-end clothing line was in chic boutiques around the country. Yet, despite her outward success, Lauren now admits her confidence was really flagging. "People I thought I could count on were undermining me, and my self-esteem took a hit," she says. Fast-forward 18 months and it's a very different Lauren who bounces into a New York City photo studio. Despite dramatic changes in her career, the natural beauty is glowing with energy and confidence.
Curb your cravings
Despite her hectic lifestyle, Lauren's been eating healthier than ever before. She's gone from calorie counting to a more flexible approach: She gets plenty of fruit, like watermelon and grapefruit; organic salad greens; and lean protein, like turkey, tuna, and beans. "I've found when all I'm eating is really fresh, healthy foods, I stop craving pizza and burgers," she says. Lauren's even switched to super nutritious nibbles (what she calls "snack plates"): hummus, sliced turkey, cucumbers, and apples. "When I have these foods in front of me, I find it easier to avoid high-calorie binges," she says.
Get your "heart" rate up
One of the best things to happen to Lauren this year was starting a relationship with actor Kyle Howard. But after just a few months of dating, Lauren found she was getting soft around her middle. "I call it the 'boyfriend layer,'" she says, laughing. "We were having more romantic dinners out, and I was exercising less." To get back on track, the couple started working out together. "We like doing outdoor stuff: tennis, bike riding, kayaking, stand-up surfing, hiking in the canyons around L.A.," says Lauren. "I just ask Kyle, 'You feel like working out?' It's more fun than hitting the gym alone."
Find your inner strength
Lauren's confidence got a jump-start after a pep talk from her mother and a close friend. "Nine months ago, I reached my breaking point," she says. "I felt bad about myself because certain people were relentlessly attacking me and my reputation. My mom kept saying, 'Let it go, Lauren. It doesn't matter.' My friend also sat me down and asked, 'Why do you care what people say about you? How does it really affect you at the end of the day?' I couldn't come up with a good answer and realized I had to stop worrying about what other people think. The next day I got a tattoo on my lower back that says 'sticks and stones,' because they may break my bones, but words will never hurt me. Once I let go of that, I felt more confident about myself. And that," she says, "made my decision to leave The Hills pretty easy."
Pick up the September issue of Shape for more with Lauren Conrad. On newsstands August 24, 2009.

The first part of this article is new whereas the 2nd part was printed several days ago on this blog.I choose to print the article in it's entirety for a smoother read and for anyone who may be stumbling across it for the first time.

Click here to see Lauren's complete shape interview with scans
Credit - Shape Magazine

Erin Lucas and Samantha Swetra - random event pics

1st photo: at the Ravinia Music Lounge at the Hard Rock Hotel in Chicago
2nd and 3rd photos: Erin and Samantha Swetra partying at Hotel Nightclub in Louisville, KY on 7/17
Credit - metromix, teen vogue