Saturday, October 17, 2009

Meet Coco, Heidi and Spencer's Third Puppy

It may not be the baby Heidi's been obsessing over, but the Pratts have a new addition to their family: a third puppy, Coco.

Heidi twittered this afternoon: "LOVE my puppies!!!"

Justin Bobby Tells Audrina She's "Better Than" Kristin (video)

Nothing compares to Audrina Patridge.
In this clip of Tuesday's Hills episode (watch above), Justin Bobby tells Patridge, 24, he and Kristin Cavallari, 22, aren't "together" -- despite locking lips and going on dinner dates.
"We've hung out, I cooked for her -- basically that's the gist of it," he says."A big part of me will always have feelings for you and always be that guy towards you. I would never be able to say anything was better than Audrina Patridge, ever in my life."
Patridge recently told she isn't bothered when she sees her ex smooching Cavallari. "It's entertainment," she told Us. "And you can't take anything serious on that show."
credit - Us Weekly