Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Is Whitney Port Channeling Olivia Palermo?

The tightly pulled-back hair. The sparkly (but not-at-all-dangly) stud earrings. The barely-there makeup (light foundation + a smidge of peachy-pink lip gloss/mascara). Yep, it's official: Whitney Port is turning into Olivia Palermo as we speak!
Okay, fine, so her personality's still completely intact (at least, from what we've seen so far on The City). But Monday night, at the Jimmy Choo for H&M event in West Hollywood, Whitney's look was a little (too!) reminiscent of her former DVF rival's.
Think we're seeing things? Or does Whitney's hair and makeup remind you of Olivia's trademark red carpet look? credit - mtv

Ep. 119: The City (Season 1) | Ep 19. 'Weekend At Freddie's' recap and photos

The episode opens on Whitney and Roxy in the park sunbathing. Whitney reveals that Freddie has invited them to the Hamptons. Roxy is excited but her face falls when she hears that Samantha will be coming too. "I feel like she's competing for you."
Whitney dismisses the idea, saying that she thinks Roxy and Samantha just need more quality time together. Harry is also going to be there, prompting Whitney to observe, "That's an interesting dymanic right there!".

At City View Racquet Club, Freddie asks Whitney to go easy on him before turning the conversation to the weekend. Whitney hopes that Sam and Roxy get along as "it would suck if they didn't".
Freddie tells her that Harry is fitting the trip in between school and Nantucket. Whitney is excited about seeing him.

Joe Zee meets up with Erin and Olivia in the Meatpacking District to discuss Elle's personal style issue. They will be covering the style of the people who write about style, namely bloggers. Olivia is tasked with drawing out the bloggers' personalities via short Q and A sessions.

In the car on the way to the Hamptons, Roxy, Samantha and Whitney are discusing Harry and Freddie. Roxy asks why Samantha never got together with Freddie. Samantha doesn't know.
Roxy asks what the craziest thing Samantha has ever done is. Samantha struggles for an answer so Whitney tells Roxy to go first. Roxy tells the girls that she got drunk with her best friend and ended up getting a tattoo on her crotch.

'Heartbreaker' by Mariah Carey comes on the radio and the girls dance. Roxy stands with her upper body out of the sunroof blowing kisses at the other drivers.

The girls arrive and Roxy announces that the guys "look like identical twins". The group drink wine and discuss their plans for the evening. Roxy asks, "Are you guys ready to show us a good time?", before bringing up the matter of sleeping arrangements. Harry replies vaguely, "Wherever we end up".

At Milk Studios Olivia is interviewing the style bloggers about accessories. Erin is keeping a close eye on the proceedings and observes to Julia (the photoshoot co-ordinator), "That's it? I think we're in trouble."

After briefly interviewing the bloggers, Olivia announces to Erin that she is leaving and walks out. Erin decides that Olivia's questions simply weren't good enough and she will need to re-interview the bloggers herself.
Whitney and Roxy are applying their makeup and discussing why Roxy is still unable to make friends with Samantha. Samantha is in the kitchen with the boys and confesses that she thinks Roxy has been trying to provoke her.

The group head off to Lily Pond where Harry flirts heavily with Whitney, eventually kissing her. Freddie looks on jealously before telling Harry to "stop dancing with my girl!". Harry retaliates by telling Whitney that Freddie has a girlfriend. Whitney is stunned - "I want to die right now".

The next day Whitney and Roxy are discussing Harry's revelation. Roxy tells Whitney "he probably does this all the time" and decides they ought to call Freddie's girlfriend to let her know what's been going on.

In Manhattan, Joe summons Olivia and Erin to his office. Joe asks how the photoshoot went and what questions Olivia asked her. Olivia fumbles with her question sheets while Erin folds her arms and rolls her eyes.

Joe feels that the answers were lacklustre and they will require follow-up interviews. Erin announces that that won't be necessary as she interviewed the bloggers after Olivia left. Olivia looks horrified.

Erin points out she shouldn't have to stay and do Olivia's job for her. There is an awkward pause before Joe tells Olivia that she is there because he believes in her so not to disappoint him.

In the Hamptons, the girls meet the guys by the pool. Roxy isn't speaking to Freddie so Whitney tells him that Harry told her about his girlfriend.
Freddie confesses that he doesn't want Harry to hook up with Whitney but Roxy points out that if he has a girlfriend he can't put a claim on Whitney.

She goes on to say that "Whitney doesn't always stand up for herself so I want to make sure that whoever she's with is treating her good". Whitney protests that she doesn't need a mouthpiece.

Freddie acknowledges that he should have told them about his girlfriend. The girls agree and leave Freddie and Harry to head back to the city.

Stephanie Pratt heading to Rehab?

Stephanie Pratt is reportedly still trying to deal with her recent DUI that happened last month.
The Hills star is apparently trying to make things right by taking a few classes.
According to In Touch, Steph is planning on enrolling in an outpatient rehab program.
A friend of hers supposedly tells the mag "getting a DUI was the wake-up call she needed to get professional help for her drinking problem. Like a lot of people, she needed something to shake her up."
As Hollyscoop previously reported, since Stephanie was over the limit when the cops stopped her, she could face up to six months in jail.
Enrolling in any kind of rehab program would definitely look good to a judge, so we don’t blame Steph for trying!
credit -

Justin Bobby Brescia: Once a homeboy with combat boots, now a heartthrob

During this season of "The Hills," I've often wondered if, somewhere out there, Lauren Conrad is kicking up her heels, watching the drama unfold and quietly laughing to herself: "Really? All this over Justin Bobby?"
Back when Lauren still ruled "The Hills," Justin was simply one of the show's laughable characters. When she first met him, LC teased Justin Bobby endlessly over his ridiculous nickname. She constantly was telling Audrina to dump the loser. And who can forget the classic line she spewed, rolling her eyes at Justin over his wardrobe choice at one Malibu party: "Homeboy wears combat boys to the beach."
Since then, Justin Bobby has somehow emerged as the show's heartthrob. Not only has Audrina remained in love with him for nearly five years, but he's also succeeded in playing mind games with the coldhearted Kristin.

During the latest episode, I was surprised to see just how much JB had gotten under Kristin's skin. After the catfight with Audrina at Heidi's birthday party, Kristin seemed genuinely upset that JB had met up with his ex.
I thought Kristin came off horribly during that whole sparring match. First she said she wants to make a faux truce with Audrina, whom she clearly couldn't care less about having as a friend. Then things quickly went south, and Kristin resorted to saying anything to Audrina that she knew would hurt her.
"First of all, he said you two were never together, which I'm sure is hard for you to hear, as a woman," she said. Ouch. I could see Audrina's heart drop immediately. I was glad she was able to throw the fact that she'd met with Justin back in Kristin's face, especially because it so clearly bothered Kristin to think JB might not be completely into her.

"Really?" she replied incredulously to the news, her eyes widening with fear. It was great to see the villainness get a taste of her own medicine.
When she later met Justin Bobby to confront him about his rendezvous with Audrina, he downplayed their get-together -- shocker.
"What's with you? Can you mellow? Can't you take it down a notch?" he asked Kristin, who was fuming over actually being played.
Unlike Audrina, it doesn't seem like Kristin has any tolerance for dudes who don't play by her rules. So, in Kristin's words, it looks like she and JB may be officially "dunzo."
And amen to that. I'm still rooting for an Audrina/Justin Bobby reconciliation, though from the looks of next week's episode, it doesn't look like that's in the cards. (Did you see that preview? Justin tells Audrina that Kristin lit something inside of him that has never been sparked before? Bru-tal!)

Meanwhile, it makes me uncomfortable to watch Kristin moving on to pursue Brody while knowing that he's still with Jayde. Especially because she has an actual past off-screen with Brody and does seem to really like him. But could she ever steal him away from that oddly entrancing Playmate? Doubtful, sadly.
So, are you as happy as I am that Justin Bobby and Kristin are over? How did JB suddenly become the hottest thing on "The Hills"? And how bad do you feel for poor Audrina? Weigh in below
Credit - LA Times

Ep. 516: The Hills (Season 5) | Ep. 16 'I'm Done With You' - recap, photos and aftershow

At Heidi and Spencer's house, Heidi brings Spencer a drink and begins to drop some heavy hints about her upcoming birthday. Spencer notices immediately and Heidi gives up all pretence of subtlety. She would like a party and tells Spencer, "You love parties, you got the party house now please give me a birthday party!"

Round at Audrina's, Lo is helping Audrina fold her laundry. Lo announces that Brody and Jayde are on a break. The girls then discuss their invitations to Heidi's party. Lo isn't going but Audrina says she's considering it. The conversation then moves to what will happen if Kristin goes. Audrina says, "I'm going there for Heidi not her".

Kristen walks into Bodega Wine Bar to meet Justin to discuss the party. Kristin is going and Justin asks whether she wouldn't prefer not to go because of the possibility of seeing Audrina.

Justin has decided not to go for this very reason. He is also concerned about the possibility of Audrina and Kristin becoming friends. Kristin asks whether she should be worried about that - "is there something you're not telling me?" Justin denies this and the pair then sit at the table in awkward silence.
Heidi berates Spencer for not helping her set up for the party but soon turns her attention to the guest list.

Spencer tells her that Brody is coming with Kristin but that Brody and Jayde are on a break, not broken up. He also doubts that Audrina will come but Heidi is more optimistic - "I think [Kristin and Audrina] just got started off on the wrong foot".
The conversation then turns to what Spencer has got Heidi for her birthday present. She hopefully suggests "lots of diamonds" but Spencer has something more sentimental planned. "It better be amazing to make up for me doing my own birthday party," Heidi observes while Spencer rolls his eyes.

Audrina and Stephanie are discussing Spencer and Heidi's new house on the way to the party when Stephanie mentions that Kristin's going.
Audrina confesses that she met up with Justin and he said that that Kristin and he 'aren't really dating'. Justin also told Audrina that it felt weird having Kristin riding in Audrina's spot on his bike.
Stephanie asks whether Audrina is going to tell Kristin. "Maybe she needs to know", Audrina replies.

The guests begin to arrive and Spencer toasts his "beautiful wife and amazing friends" before giving Heidi her gift - two puppies in a Louis Vuitton bag. He announces that they are "the only babies this husband is ever going to provide".
Brody asks why Spencer doesn't want babies - "Are you afraid they're going to grow up like you?" Spencer laughs and agrees.
Audrina and Stephanie arrive, cutting short Kristin's answer to a question about whether she is really dating Justin.
Kristin is talking to Spencer's friend Spencer Gilbert (Spencer Gilbert?? that has to be a play off of Justin Bobby!) and jokes about using his knife pendant to kill some of the party guests. Spencer Gilbert assumes she means the boys but Kristin answers, "Not the boys - I love the boys!"

Outside Audrina and Brody are talking. He tells her that his relationship with Jayde is "kind of on the ropes". Audrina notes that Kristin might get upset that she and Brody are even talking.
Kristin is inside the house glaring as Audrina tells Brody that Kristin "is not the relationship type" and that she will try to get him back to hurt Jayde and then move on to someone else.

Back inside, Kristin asks Brody how his chat with Audrina was and suggests talking to her herself to clear the air.
The pair go outside and Kristin suggests that they stop ignoring each other as they have the same friends. She is hurt that her previous attempts to talk to Audrina have been refused.
Audrina asks why he should feel the need to sit down and talk with Kristin as she doesn't owe her anything. She tells Kristin she wanted to distance herself from Justin.

Kristin takes this opportunity to tell Audrina that Justin never thought they were a couple, asking: "As a woman how could you let him do that to you?"

Audrina counters that Justin told her that he was never with Kristin and that he never got over Audrina. Kristin is disbelieving. Audrina tells Kristin "I could care less who you date and who you get involved with" before leaving the party with Stephanie.

Fed up with giving him “more chances than any other guy,” Kristin decided to end it with JB. “When I see a pattern, I move on,” she said. He seemed like the mature one when he wondered if her accusations were meant to get a rise out of him. “If anything, that pushes me away,” he said to her back as she walked out the door.
credit -, mtv