Sunday, November 8, 2009

Sneak Peek of Roxy Olin in Steppin Out Magazine

I'm definitely being portrayed as a bitch. it's true, I can be a real hard ass. I'm definitely not a push over. Yet, they take that one aspect of me and exaggerate it so I come across as some sort of a bitch. I'm like, "WOW!". I don't think of myself as a bitch at all. But the show wasn't working before because there wasn't enough drama. There wasn't anybody to call other people on their bullshit. Whitney [Port]is so sweet, so they take the sweetest aspect of her and exaggerate it and the most brutal aspect of me and exaggerate it. So it makes the show work better.
On Doing Reality TV And Acting At The Same Time:
I wasn't sure if I wanted to do "The City." But the times are changing. You can run with it or fight it. If you're lucky you can do both. That's what I chosen to do. I'm doing "Brothers and Sisters" at the same time as "The City." I'm not claiming I'm an actress. I'm actually acting at the same time I'm doing a reality show.
credit -

Stephanie Pratt: Handbag Designer!

Spotted: Stephanie Pratt leaving a meeting in LA concerning her new line of handbags!

Stephanie tweeted on 10/30:
"OK it's taken 6 years for my dream to have a handbag line..I'm about to go into a HUGE meeting right now! ahhhh! dream coming true right now!
"meeting couldn't have gone better! when dreams come true its very surreal.. keep dreaming you guys!"

and again on 11/6
"MONROE handbags coming soon!! I'm never going to stop smiling!! keep dreaming! have faith!"

So excited for her! Congratulations Stephanie : )!

The City's Olivia Palermo Gossips About the Show, Fashion & Whitney

Okay I'll admit it -- I like Olivia Palermo. And despite MTV's best efforts to make her seem like the Wicked Witch of the (Upper) East compared to Gilda-esque Whitney, she's become the real-life Blair Waldorf, a high-society queen bee who you end up rooting for in the end. Plus, she always looks fiercely flawless, even during this season's turf wars between her and Elle's PR director. So how does she do it? I got the scoop from The City's uptown girl on fall fashion, her to-die-for skin and, of course, the show:
What are your must-have items for fall?
Roberta Freymann's statement necklaces, designer Brian Reyes' gorgeous jewelry collection, Chloe's Gemma bag and Topshop's grey lace-up booties.
What makeup products can't you live without?
I can't give away all my secrets, but I am a huge fan of Guerlain and YSL products.
Do you shop online? What are some of your fave shopping and fashion sites?
I do buy some things online, mostly shoes because I know they'll fit. But there are so many great fashion sites out there --,,,
In one episode, we saw you shopping on Canal Street. Do you shop for bargains?
I always love a bargain, but I think it's easier to find a deal in a situation where you can negotiate prices. I've found great pieces at antique markets, flea markets or road shows.
Do you have any fashion regrets? Anything you've bought that you'll never wear?
I always try to buy things that I know will work with what I have in my closet, or something that I know I'll grow into.
Do you think you're portrayed accurately on the show?
I think that what you see of me on the show is a very small aspect of my life on the whole -- you only see me in a very limited capacity at work. I don't think that anyone can really get a true sense of what I'm like as a person by watching those few minutes I have on screen each week. And, of course, it's entertainment television, so things tend to get played up and dramatized. I don't think anyone really has that much drama in their everyday life!
Do you ever cringe, laugh or cry when you see yourself on the show?
I do cringe occasionally when I see something on screen that didn't play out quite the same way in real life, but it's a half-hour show and I realize there's not room for everything to make the final edit. The editing can get frustrating sometimes, but at the end of the day it's all for the sake of entertaining our viewers.
Are you friends with Whitney? Do you hang out with her?
Whitney and I don't really get the opportunity to hang out much. We're both so busy with work and filming, and then trying to catch up with our regular lives. But when we do see each other we are absolutely friendly. I enjoy running into her and catching up on how she's been.
credit - Michele Laufik @ thefashionator

In NY? Meet Olivia Palermo & Joe Zee when they Host a presentaion of Ports 1961 pre-spring collection at Bloomingdales

Olivia Palermo of MTV’s The City, Joe Zee, Creative Director of ELLE, and Tia Cibani, Creative Director of Ports 1961 host an exclusive presentation of the Ports 1961 pre-spring collection at Bloomingdale’s. And you are invited, especially if you live in the New York area!

Thursday, November 12th
TIME: 6:00PM-8:00PM
Bloomingdale’s 59th Street, Designer Collections on 4