Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Stephanie Pratt’s Got Her License Back!

Less than two months after being charged with a DUI, Hills star Stephanie Pratt has had her license reinstated. And judging by these pics of the TV starlet outside the DMV in L.A. on Monday, she’s more than a little happy about the news — which is probably more than we can say for the other drivers in Southern California.
Credit - OK Magazine

Lauren Conrad -- Top 100 Women of 2009, Number 20

Why the top searched-for women on the Web? You've seen the other Web sites' top 100 hottest women lists, which are either based on editorial discretion (Olivia Wilde?) or notoriously inaccurate Internet balloting (Eva Mendes?). But we think how many times the general public types a woman's name into the search box when they don't know they're being surveyed renders the truest indication of how much heat she's really bringing. This makes Asylum hotness scientists or, at the very least, hotness statisticians.
Our results are based on searches done on AOL's Search Engine over the past year, and we've weeded out the females who are clearly not being checked up on for their physical appeal and charming nature (sorry, Martha).

#20 Lauren Conrad
LC, who was so adorable as a confused, jilted high school senior on "Laguna Beach: The Real Orange County," has, before our very eyes, deftly transformed herself into a cool and calculated lifestyle brand.
credit - www.asylum.com
to view the full list, click here

and just for fun, comparison shots of Lauren at Nanette Lepore's Spring Fashion Show for 2009, taken on Sept 10th 2008 (left)
and her spring show for 2010, taken on Sept 15th 2009 (right)

The Hills' Lo Bosworth

Terra's Entertainment producer, Dennis Pastorizo, caught up with The Hills' Lo Bosworth. The reality TV starlet opened up about her love life, career and more. Scroll down to check out our sizzling one-on-one with Lo...
DENNIS (D): First of all, let's talk about The Hills. Part of the success of the show can probably be attributed to all the major drama that happens in your lives. How do you deal with that, since the girls always seem to be at odds with each other?
LO (L): I just make it a point to kind of stay away from it, let it happen, give my opinion, give my advice to my friends and I'm just more comfortable in that role you know? I have real things going on with my friends off of the show. I've just made it a goal of mine to kind of stay in the clear.
D: By the way, you look amazing, Lo! This year, Fling Chocolate honored you with its 'Best Fling' award, thanks to your cool lifestyle. How do you girls keep in shape while still indulging in chocolate?
LO: Well, the good thing about Fling is that it is only 85 calories so you could have a Fling a day, if you want, no big deal...I like to spin; I think it's really fun. But I think a lot of us just have trainers and you know it comes with the job, it's part of the territory and you know, people ask me, 'Do you feel pressure to be thin, to exercise?' and I wish I could say the answer was, 'No,' but the answer is 'Yes.' It's just working in this industry; there's kind of a certain standard that you have to live up to and you know, it just, it is what it is but that's why Fling is great for me...they're trying to redefine what indulgence is about.
D: Shifting gears a bit...let's talk about love. On your show, viewers get a peek at other cast members' love lives, but we don't see you dating on the show. Why is that?
L: Yeah, well I have a boyfriend and he's my long term fling and he doesn't want to be on the show...ever since Laguna Beach days I went on one or two dates and it was so uncomfortable...because I was new to filming and I wasn't really that experienced and so then the producers and I made pact: I don't have to go on dates. I would be comfortable to do it now, but the people that I've dated since I've been on the show are not...so that's the reason.
D: This year, your Hills co-star, Heidi Montag, posed for Playboy. What can you tell us about her stint in the magazine?
L: Um...gotta do what you gotta do.
D: Last but not least, are you working on new projects that you'd like to share with our readers?
L: Yeah, I'm transitioning into hosting. I would love to host a show that's like The View or Regis and Kelly, that is kind of my next goal and I have a lot of lines in the water, but The Hills is still, you know, number one for me.
credit - en.terra.com

Roxy Olin - twit Pics

Roxy tweeted: "Giving cali love!"

and "Finally home with my dog aka my love!"

Brody Jenner and Jayde Nicole - Are they together or broken up?

Another couple from The Hills is reality-TV history. Brody Jenner and Jayde Nicole have broken up after about 15 months together, a source close to Jenner confirms to UsMagazine.com.
Nicole, 23, hinted at the split on her Twitter around 8pm Dec. 18 with a wistful entry: "'Sometimes when you truly love someone you have to let them go.....' I never really understood that quote until now."
The night before, however, the former Playboy Playmate was feeling festive. A source tells UsMagazine.com that Nicole "celebrated her breakup" with a 12-strong crew of girlfriends at Hyde Lounge in West Hollywood.
Her single-lady party continued on Dec. 19, when the model hosted a shindig at Chicago's Manor nightclub. An insider at Manor tells UsMagazine.com that Nicole was "telling everyone" about her Dec. 17 breakup. "She made it sound like it was his doing, saying, 'He said he needs time to 'find himself. I don't have time for that.'" Her ex Jenner, she told friends, has "gone to Australia" for some soul-searching.
Jenner himself Tweeted about starting "a new life" Down Under on Dec. 19. "So I decided to stay in Australia BY MYSELF!!! Hahaha this is Crazy.. Might just stay here and start a new life."
Despite the sad news, Nicole wasn't in a gloomy mood at Manor, the source says. "She didn't seem bothered by the recent breakup at all. She spent the entire night downing Jager shots and flirting with all of the guys."
Indeed, her Tweets from that night bear that out. "Rocking out at Manor" she wrote a 1:33am on Dec. 20. "Jager time!"
By 11:30am, she was feeling the effects of all those Jagermeister shots: "8 hours of sleep, too much jager= not good."
On the just-concluded fifth season of The Hills, Nicole and Jenner argued about his flirty relationship with aggressive ex-girlfriend Kristin Cavallari. "Everything was totally fine before you came here, so you need to go back to wherever it is that you came from," Nicole sniped at Cavallari in one heated exchange on the show.
Awkward alert: all three are signed on to shoot the sixth season of The Hills early next year.
credit - US Weekly
Thanks for the heads up allie :)!

Sorry but I'm still not buying this "story". Coincidentally, this very public "breakup" sets the stage nicely for season 6 of the Hills and a new fauxmance with Kristin....