Lo Bosworth, Stephanie Pratt and Brody Jenner arrive at Miami International Airport 5/5

The cast is in South Florida this week to film for the upcoming season at several Super Bowl events.
Left behind: Surgically enhanced Barbie doll Heidi Montag.
The cast, multiple sources tell me, are scheduled to be at the Eden Roc in Miami Beach Saturday night to shoot sequences during the already-overbooked Wyclef Jean concert there.
~bew, http://www.page2live.com

Stephanie Pratt and Lo Bosworth at LAX 2/5

`celeb city

Lo's hair looks so pretty!

Jayde Nicole celebrates an early Birthday at Eve 2/5

Jayde had an early birthday celebration at Eve in Las Vegas on Feb. 5, 2010.
In the 2nd photo she is surrounded by friends Amy Lynn Dover, Kelly Carrington and Setorii Pond.
credit - las vegas sun, las vegas weekly, life

Joe Francis Diced Up by Jayde Nicole Legal Team

Today HSK has exclusively obtained and published court documents from the recent SLAPP MOTION hearing in the Jayde Nicole vs. Joe Francis cross-complaint.
Joe Francis of Girls Gone Wild lost his cross-complaint against Jayde Nicole today. Judge Mark V. Mooney of the Los Angeles Superior Court dismissed his complaint against Jayde Nicole for libel, slander, and false light. The Court found that Joe Francis was a public figure and that Ms. Nicole’s comments to the media were protected speech relating to the topic of Mr. Francis objectifying and exploiting young women.
Since Mr. Francis failed to meet his burden of proof that the statements were made with actual malice, the Court dismissed the case finding no actual malice had been proven by Mr. Francis.
Ms. Nicole’s attorney Ronald Richards of Beverly Hills had this to say, “It is a great day when not only is a bully like Joe Francis, a guy who hits women is defeated, but when a court also protects the rights of everyone to speak their mind on important subjects without being afraid of being sued by a rich tyrant.”
Francis is now facing up to $80,000 in attorney’s fees which are mandatory to a prevailing victim of a SLAPP action in California.
credit - diaryofahollywoodstreetking.com