On Thursday, the Hills star called police after her mother, Darlene Egelhoff, arrived at her Los Angeles home.
"My mom showed up unannounced to my house when she knows I have no interest in seeing or talking with her," Montag, 23, tells PEOPLE. "She tore my heart out on national television. She is just trying to create drama in my life."
Montag and her mom have let the drama unfold on camera too. Earlier this season on the Hills, Montag returned home to Colorado to show off her new body after undergoing 10 plastic surgeries in one day. Her mom's reaction drove the reality star to tears and prompted her husband, Spencer Pratt, to declare on Tuesday's episode, that Egelhoff "decided to rape my wife emotionally."
Los Angeles police confirm that Egelhoff came to her daughter's house on Thursday and was turned away.
"Officers arrived on the scene and advised the mother that since her daughter's an adult, she doesn't have to speak to [the mom] if she doesn't want to," Los Angeles Police Department Sgt. Leffew tells PEOPLE. "The mother said 'fine, no problem' and left. There were no citations or arrests."
And Montag says this isn't the end of all the drama. "I made it very clear that I want nothing to do with her in my life right now," she tells PEOPLE.
Continues Montag: "I'm sick to my stomach she would even do something like this. She needs to stay away from me. I’m planning on getting a restraining order against her."
Calls to Egelhoff were not immediately returned.
credit - People
~Kelli at Hills Freak
~Kelli at Hills Freak