Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Lauren Conrad: UC Berkeley Book Signing

Lauren Conrad wore a bold print as she signed copies of her two new books at UC Berkeley yesterday. LC has been making the rounds in support of her latest novel, Sugar and Spice, and her guide to fashion, kicking off her tour in NYC last week.
credit - pop sugar, daily mail
~Kelli at Hills Freak

Stephanie Pratt: Leaving the Byron & Tracey Salon in Beverly Hills

Spotted: Stephanie Pratt leaving the Byron & Tracey salon in Beverly Hills.
credit - zimbio
~Kelli at Hills Freak

Video: Lauren Conrad's TV Return and Fashion Disaster‏

Click here to see photos of Lauren at the Grove book signing.
credit - pop sugar
~Kelli at Hills Freak

Audrina Patridge: Perfoms the Tango on DWTS - Week 4

Here are tonight's scores (technical, performance):
Jennifer Grey & Derek Hough: 56 (27, 29)
Brandy & Maks Chmerkovskiy: 48 (22, 26)
Audrina Patridge & Tony Dovolani: 46 (24, 22)
Kyle Massey & Lacey Schwimmer: 40 (18, 22)
Rick Fox & Cheryl Burke: 39 (19, 20)
Florence Henderson & Corky Ballas: 35 (17, 18)
Kurt Warner & Anna Trebunskaya: 34 (15, 19)
Bristol Palin & Mark Ballas: 32 (18, 14)
The Situation & Karina Smirnoff: 28 (12,16)
credit - eonline
~Kelli at Hills Freak

Stephanie Pratt: LA Haunted Hayride!

Stephanie tweeted before the event:
"Headed to Hollywood Haunt w @sofifii (please don't be scary! Please don't be scary!)
and after:
"The haunted hay ride was terrrrifying!!! My head is pounding from screaming + laughing!!! Confession: I slept w a bathroom light on last night. (I was scared of zombies!!!!)"

credit - Bricks and Stones gossip , thanks Anna!
~Kelli at Hills Freak