Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Stephanie Pratt: Purses Have Always Been Her "Number One Thing"

Blake Lively and Rachel Bilson aren't the only starlets with a serious love of all things Chanel. Stephanie Pratt, who says purses have always been her "number one thing," owns an enviable collection of the ultra-luxe purses, from a couple of classic quilted flap bag to several sleek leather totes. Just how important is the right purse to Stephanie? The reality star, who is currently in the process of developing her own bag line, says her biggest shopping splurge to date was on a bag she just couldn't pass up.
The purse was Chanel and it was a seasonal bag. It has this middle option where you can unzip it and it turns into a bigger bag. The extra fabric in the middle is this awesome plaid!
The unique Chanel Paris-London Calfskin tote, with a retail value of almost $2,700, also fits Stephanie's strict purse criteria. The reality star needs a bag that not only looks good, but can also keep up with her hectic lifestyle. Stephanie says:

I'm very crazy about having a functional purse, so [it needs] lots of pockets because I carry everything from lipgloss to food in my purse. I love little studs, I love chains and I love having the long strap option.
We can't wait to check out Stephanie's bag collection once it hits stores!
Click here for all the latest news on Stephanie Pratt
credit - Style Bistro
~Kelli at Hills Freak

Little Lauren Conrad Had The Face (And Hair) Of An Angel!

Ever wish you could go back to when you were 3 years old and cut off all your silky, naturally highlighted hair, then head back to the future and use it all as extensions? (Wait, that's just us?) NO ONE has prettier locks than a toddler, especially those lucky little towheads (damn them!). Just look as these childhood pics that Lauren Conrad posted on her website this past Mother's Day--baby girl's 'do is to die for (not to mention those white lace tights--so ahead of her time)!
In her post, LC gives a shout-out to her ma for always being there, whether it was snapping family pictures or wiping away the tears that dumb Jason Wahler caused her. (Well, she doesn't exactly come out and say that last part, but we can infer, can't we?)
We'd personally like to take this opportunity to thank Lauren's mom for chaperoning so many fun pool parties in the "Laguna Beach" era. Ah, life seemed so much simpler before all the hot-tubbing and hookups moved to the "Jersey Shore."

Click here for all the latest news on Lauren Conrad
credit -
~Kelli at Hills Freak

Video: Watch 'Audrina' Episode 5!

The 2nd video is episode commentary. If you live outside the US you may need to watch with a different browser. I recommend using the hotspot shield. click here to download.
On this week’s episode of Audrina, Audrina Patridge has an exciting meeting with Donald Trump, and the fight between her sister Casey and mom Lynn reaches its boiling point!
Casey ends up leaving the New York trip with Lynn and Audrina early because of her feud with Lynn. “I left New York before my mom and sister because as far as my mom goes — I couldn’t do it another night,” Casey says. “I wish that whole thing would have been different, but she’s my mom so I’m super used to it.” This situation obviously puts Audrina in an awkward position with her mom and sister. “I don’t even know how it got so bad that night,” Audrina said. “I mean, there’s always going to be ups and downs ,but this is the worst it’s ever been. One thing is said and it changes everything.”
Meanwhile, Audrina is asked to have a meeting with Donald to discuss future business ventures. When Lynn finds out that Audrina has a meeting with Donald, she gets super-excited about it and decides she wants to tag along. Audrina is worried because she thinks Lynn has crush on Donald — and knows Lynn can be a wild-card at times! Donald ends up telling Audrina that he admired her on Dancing with the Stars and thinks she would be a great asset to Celebrity Apprentice.
Click here for all the latest news on Audrina Patridge
credit - VH1, Hollywood Life
~Kelli at Hills Freak