Holly Montag was booted from the charity event 'Reality Cares' at the Laugh Factory in West Hollywood on Tuesday night.
A source tells us that Holly & her sidekick Stacey ”the bartender" were sitting in the front center VIP row and keep heckling all the Chelsea Lately comedians.
It got to the point where some of the comics began to make her a part of their jokes.
Then, it got ugly.
Chris Franjola -- one of the comedians who regularly appears on the Chelsea Handler show, Chelsea Lately -- was performing his standup act when Montag abruptly started to walkout with a friend. Because she was in the front row, everyone noticed her leaving.
Franjola started hassling her in joking way, and Montag shot back: “We’re leaving because you’re not funny.”
Chris says something like, “Where are you going?”
Holly: “Away from you” and throws out a ‘peace out’ sign.
Chris: says something witty that gets the crowd giggling.
Holly: [snotty talk starts] “I’m sorry, you’re horrible.”
Chris: Something witty, followed up with, “That’s okay, I think there’s 2 Persian dudes in Affliction shirts waiting for you outside.”
She storms out but we can’t hear what she’s shouting over the roar of the audience.
People in front quickly realize she’s forgotten her little gold purse.
They throw it up on stage.
Chris: “Well, well, well…someone forgot their purse…”
He proceeds to unzip it and pulls out a tampon!
At this point, she’s on her way back into The Laugh Factory to retrieve her purse.
Chris: “Now we know why she’s such a bitch.”
Again, crowd goes wild.
At that moment, Montag – realizing she had left her purse at her table -- came back inside the club. She storms the front of the stage, yelling, “That’s rude!” “You’re so rude!”
Grabs her purse. “That’s a viloation! That’s a violation!” “You don’t do that to somebody!”
She chucks her purse down on the ground and storms away. But 1/2 way down the aisle turns around and yells at him again.
A girl in the audience picks up her purse to run it over to her, but she’s already charging to the front of the stage again, but this time she’s removing her chains like she’s about to fight.
Chris just stands there.
She puts her fist up, chains & all, and shouts, “I have chains!”
Then in low voice, vehemently says, “I’m not afraid of you.”
She turns to storm away again, but turns and starts shouting again. Security is now heading toward her and the crowd is booing her and shouting things like, “Just leave!” “Get out!” “Crazy bitch!” etc. etc.
Montag then sat back down in the front row and said: “I’m not afraid of you.”
She tries to turn and storm the stage again, but security blocks her as she continues to yell over this big guys’ shoulders. He just continues to nudge her toward the exit. She was shouting, pointing, yelling the entire way, but we could not hear her over our own laughter & grand applause as she’s booted out of the building.
As she left, Franjola turned to the crowd and said: “Was I wrong?”
The crowd went wild in support of Franjola.
Once we all settle down a bit:
Chris: “I’m a comedian. I have something to say about everything. But, ‘I have chains??’ [as he holds his clawed fist up]. What do I say to that?” “I have to admit, when she started walking back, I got nervous there for a second. I thought she was gonna throw those at me.”
[More jokes, more jokes....then the crowd settles down, adrenalen rush subsiding]
Chris: “Wow, now I kinda miss her….I had all kinds of jokes ready for tonight, but…”

During the drama
Heather McDonald, takes the stage as does the best “That’s a violation!” immitation.
Credit - radar online & hollywire