When I was asked if I would like to host a City viewing party, I jumped at the chance. A get together to watch one of my favorite shows plus free gift bags and a gift card for all the necessities - score! I felt like I'd just won the jackpot : )
The party was originally going to be a small affair with just 6 girl friends but somehow the number kept growing! So I moved our viewing party outside and we had a blast watching the City under the stars.

10:00 was a bit too late to serve dinner so we went straight to the fun stuff - dessert and lots of it! Our City Party would not have been complete without a cake to show off our love for Whitney and co. It was almost too pretty to eat but somehow we managed ;) We also snacked on lots of fruit and PopChips.

During the finale I tweeted a bit of my interview with Roxy Olin (who was so amazingly nice and talked to me for about an hour earlier in the day when her flight was delayed, Thanks Roxy!) Click here to read the interview in it's entirety She really is a total sweetheart!

As we all watched the after show we all also checked out our goody bags full of Whitney Port's favorite things! We received ZENO Hot Spots, PopChips, Orbit Gum, Fresh Soy Face Cream, Havaianas, Maybelline Great Lash Mascara and Rosebud Salve.
We split the bags up a bit since we had more bags than people but everyone wound up with something great. Oh and we tested out the Zeno Hot spots too which got a big thumbs up from everyone. I have to admit I was a bit nervous about using it. I have really sensitive skin and I was leery about applying heat to my face but omg am I a convert. I had a tiny pimple on my chin that had been bugging me for a week. The result one hour later? It's totally gone! I could not have been more shocked. Zeno, you rock!!
We were all having so much fun that I almost forgot to take photos, but luckily we managed to get a few.
Thank you so much to Zeno for this awesome opportunity and for all the amazing goodies. We all had such a a great time!
And now for the contest winner. You guys have been sending in your amazing fan photos for a chance to win one of the Zeno goody bags. Here are a few of my favourites:
I thought they only fair way to pick was by random interger so all the photos were assigned a number and the one they chose was #5 - Amy L from Ohio!
Congrats Amy - I hope you love the goody bag as much as we do.

Thanks again to Zeno!
Follow MyZeno on Twitter
and check out the Zeno website for more information about the Zeno Hot spot.
~Kelli at Hills Freak