Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Blast from the past - Taylor Cole
I FINALLY joined twittter and found these great photos from Taylor Cole. The first one is from today (love the hammer!) and the other photo is from a few weeks back at her graduation from UofA. She looks exactly the same as she did during the Laguna Beach days!

"Im bad at goodbyes" : (
Previous Blast from the Past post with Stephen, Trey and Dieter.

"Im bad at goodbyes" : (
Previous Blast from the Past post with Stephen, Trey and Dieter.
blast from the past,
Laguna Beach,
Taylor Cole,
twitter pics
Erin Lucas - twit pic of Maxim spread

*******Updated 7/27******
To view photos from Erin's Maxim shoot click here.
Earlier today Erin tweeted "My 2 page Maxim spread is out today!! Ahh yeaah! I'm dying of excitement!"
Then a few hours later she was nice enough to post this twit pic for us all to see.
Thanks Erin!
Erin Lucas,
twitter pics
Stephanie Pratt - retail therapy in NY

Making the most of a day off from the set of The Hills, Stephanie Pratt spent the afternoon with a girlfriend in New York’s trendy Soho district.
After shopping to her heart’s content at Intermix and Topshop, Stephanie stopped to pose for the paparazzi only to get startled when a fan approached her.
Later in the day, Steph decided to change into a brand new top, perhaps in a feeble attempt to throw off hug-friendly fans and photographers.
I would be startled too, look at that fan's fingers digging into her arm in the 4th photo!
Credit - faded youth, gossipcenter
Stephanie Pratt
Lo Bosworth shows off her new boyfriend

The MTV starlet arrived at the Verizon Wireless Matt Leinart Foundation event at Lucky Strikes Lanes & Lounge in L.A. on Monday with her new boyfriend, lacrosse player Scott Hochstadt.
“They we’re so cute together,” says an onlooker.
A pal of the pair says, “It’s new but they are both really happy.”
No word yet on whether viewers will catch a glimpse of Bosworth’s relationship with her lacrosse player on the MTV show.
Who is Scott Hochstadt?
Scott is the Offensive Coach of the San Francisco Dragons. He was also a three-time All-American Attackman at the University of Maryland, and played professional lacrosse in the Major League Lacrosse (MLL) and National Lacrosse League (NLL). Scott also played lacrosse on the TV show 90210 in season 1 and was their lacross consultant as well.
Credit - People & websearching : )
Lo Bosworth,
Scott Hochstadt
Holly Montag to debut a Jewelry Line
********************UPDATED 7/23 *********************
Here's a video of Holly tasking about her jewelry line which will be called, Coquette:
Here's a video of Holly tasking about her jewelry line which will be called, Coquette:
Holly Montag,
twitter pics
Lauren Conrad in the August 2009 Issue of Harper's Bazaar

She came to fame as a quintessential California blonde, but can reality TV star turned author Lauren Conrad still attract the paparazzi when she steps out as a brunette?
By Marshall Heyman
Starting with Laguna Beach in 2004 and moving on to The Hills, Lauren Conrad, known affectionately as L.C., has had the last five years of her life documented on national television. Since she only turned 23 in February, this means that nearly 22 percent of L.C.'s time on earth has been transmitted to homes around the world. And that's not including the countless tabloid articles chronicling her anxieties about her work (at Teen Vogue and fashion-public-relations firm People's Revolution), her friends (Whitney Port, Audrina Patridge, and Lo Bosworth among them), her frenemies (Heidi Pratt), and, of course, her love life. (She's dated Laguna costars Stephen Colletti and Jason Wahler; Brody Jenner; baseball player Doug Reinhardt; and currently actor Kyle Howard, though, despite rumors, she insists they are not engaged.)
When Conrad decided to leave The Hills, she considered dyeing her hair brunette so her producers couldn't coerce her back in front of the camera. "I went into a wig store and tried on a brown wig, and they all laughed at me," Conrad recalls. "All these women [who worked there] were like, 'You look like Hannah Montana.' " So today, in a quest for a little peace and quiet, if not complete anonymity, she agreed to don a brown wig as a social experiment for Bazaar. Off she trotted to paparazzi haunts in West Hollywood and Beverly Hills to see if she would still be mobbed by fans and cameramen from TMZ. ("The last three concerts I went to, I was removed by security because I was a fire hazard," Conrad says drily. "People crowd around you and you lose that whole personal-space concept.")
In front of the Marc Jacobs store on Melrose Place, tourists gawked while 15 paparazzi came out of the woodwork and frantically snapped away. It may not have needed local-police intervention, but "it was a bit of a scene," Conrad explains later. It wasn't just the wig that had onlookers confused and excited, it was L.C.'s transformation from typical California girl to glamazon. "Normally, if I was walking down Melrose," she says, "I would be in sandals and skinny jeans. This was a whole look."
She adds, "I think initially the wig threw people off, but they figured it out. I felt like it only disguised me for a moment, and then it made me feel like I was hiding, which made me feel silly."
The paparazzi photos of L.C. immediately hit the blogosphere. Fans erupted in a chorus of cheers and jeers. "Love the brown hair. Hate the fake tan," wrote Meg on; "I love it!! It is sooo cute," gushed Kate. "It brings out her eyes, which are gorgeous," suggested Kaycee. Others weren't so positive. "She looks like a drag queen," said soSweet.
"Day to day," Conrad says, "I can only do blonde. Everything else makes me look sort of plain-Jane."
Indeed, it is the golden locks and girl-on-the-make spirit that has earned Conrad, a self-proclaimed multitasker -- "I'm a writer slash designer slash TV personality. I think Tori Spelling's one too" -- a huge fan base as well as a reported $75,000 per episode. Her last chapter of The Hills aired on May 31 and sent Conrad into the wild blue yonder of writing young-adult books (the first of her trilogy, L.A. Candy, hit stores in June) and designing a new fashion line for Kohl's, to be launched in October.
Conrad says many of her personal decisions during filming were contingent on the production schedule of The Hills. "My roommate went to Europe for two months, but I couldn't take a vacation without clearing it months and months ahead of time," she notes ruefully. "My friends all got to date guys who didn't need to sign a release form."
The experience taught her to be careful what she wishes for. "It literally affected the underwear I had to buy because I needed thicker underwear with a more sturdy band so it could hold up a microphone." She goes on. "I couldn't wear whites or prints because they don't look good on film. I had to consult a director of photography when I picked the paint for my walls because I had to have set lighting in my living room and kitchen." Coming to a full boil, she adds, "I had to have separate birthday parties for my filming and nonfilming friends."
It should come as no surprise that Conrad now insists, "It's a closed book. I'm done. Against everyone else's will, I'm trying to take a break."
The reality, however, is that "they" -- meaning Conrad's people, perhaps, or the American public -- "want me right back on television. You know how quickly the attention goes away." (Case in point: Her Laguna rival Kristin Cavallari jumped to take Conrad's place on the show, which returns this fall.) Still, she admits, "It doesn't worry me. I'm looking forward to it."
It's that affable, self-effacing nature that has turned Conrad into a star of the reality genre. "Imperfection is relatable," Conrad explains. "If you look at the show, there are a lot of skinny girls with big boobs, and they're always perfect. I don't think perfect is relatable. I've screwed up a lot." Indeed, she has screwed up so often, she wanted to publish a book titled How Not to Date "and basically write down every mistake I've ever made."
What Conrad hasn't done is try to manipulate and goad the press, as Hills costars Heidi and Spencer Pratt have. What does she think of Pratt's rumored decision to pose for Playboy? She pulls a face. "They're not going to pay for themselves," she says -- in a sly reference to cosmetic enhancements?
Would Conrad pose? She cringes a bit, then asserts, "Everyone makes those choices and wants to do different things. I just don't have any interest in showing my body in something like that. That's a little personal." Nor would L.C. eat a bug on television or show up on a beach in Mexico wearing a face mask for a photo opportunity in response to the swine-flu epidemic, like the Pratts have.
"The face mask on vacation: I don't know if it was so funny because people really were being affected by that disease," Conrad posits. "But otherwise [Heidi and Spencer] are very entertaining. You have to laugh."
Does she think Speidi harbor ambitions to foster a Brangelina-like love-in with the press? "They're completely different. The next time Angelina and Brad go shopping in the market and Angelina holds up two melons and smiles for a photograph, then they will be similar."
As for herself, Conrad claims, "I don't call magazines and let them know about things so they can write stories. There was never an incentive to keep doing The Hills so I could get into Les Deux. That was never the point. It was more to create a fan base so I can go create a business and do something I really love doing."
Eventually, Conrad would like to produce television -- perhaps a scripted show based on L.A. Candy -- and she believes she'll ultimately return to reality television as a host. "I'm comfortable in front of the camera, but I can't act. I definitely aspire to be someone like Tyra Banks, who's created an empire for herself," she offers.
Some would say she's well on her way. Just as many of her high school friends are finishing college degrees, Conrad sees her experience as her own rite of passage and says, "I kind of just graduated from my show."
Like any other, such a milestone involves growing pains.
"If an actor leaves a show, they go on to play a new part and a new character," Conrad says with great perspicacity. "I'm not moving on from a character. I'm not going to play a new part." Lifting the brown wig from her head, she adds, "I'll be me before and me after."
Harper's Bazaar,
Lauren Conrad
Kristin Cavallari: Not One, But Two Hills Seasons!

How else do you explain Cavallari getting a two-season deal on MTV's hit pseudo-reality show?
That's right. Cavallari, 22, told us yesterday she'll be around a lot longer than the 10 episodes that were originally announced.
"I'm signed for two seasons," she said while promoting her new DVD flick Van Wilder Freshman Year at the Jack LaLanne juicer-sponsored Silver Spoon House in Malibu. "We'll see how it goes, but that's probably all I'll really want to do."
But it's not like Cavallari wants to be Conrad 2.0…
Cavallari said she has no plans to try to knock Conrad's young adult novel L.A. Candy off the New York Times best-seller list. "It hasn't even crossed my mind, she said when asked if she has similar literary aspirations. "So I don't think so."
Meanwhile, Cavallari also revealed that she put on a little too much weight while filming Van Wilder. "I had been in Atlanta for two months, eating fast food and whatever the hell I wanted," she explained. "I completely let myself go."
For a lingerie scene, she begged the filmmakers to let her wear a corset. "They wouldn't let me," she said. "They ended up having to cut the scene down a lot. Not kidding. It's a lot shorter than it was supposed to be. I was definitely 10 pounds heavier."
Credit - E online
Kristin Cavallari,
LA Candy,
Lauren Conrad
Brody Jenner loves the Ladies

Making the most of a night on the town, Brody Jenner was spotted out at Villa in West Hollywood, California on Tuesday July 14.
Never one to turn down his adoring fans, the “Bromance” hunk happily posed for some photos with his female fans as he stood outside the trendy nightspot.
Credit - celeb gossip
Brody Jenner
Kristin Cavallari: 'I Want To Be Seen As A Serious Actress'

Following in Audrina Patridge's wah-wah wake is Kristin Cavallari, who nabbed the lead role in "Van Wilder: Freshman Year." As Kaitlin, the plucky army brat who falls for Van's signature brand of amour, she is totally opposite of what you're expecting.
And that's the point. Although Kristin's returning to "The Hills" this September, acting is her true passion and she plans to be it for the long haul. No topic was off limits as we talked about preparing for her biggest role to date, why she went back to reality TV and what she really thinks of "The Hills"!
PopWrap: Were you dubious about starring in a threequel?
Kristin Cavallari: Yes definitely! And filming it, you always think great things, but you never know how it's going to turn out ... but I was pleasantly surprised.
PW: Do you like watching yourself on screen?
Kristin: I hate it! I hate watching myself on screen! I absolutely hate it, it's so hard to watch. I can see myself in magazines, but watching on TV or movies is like "ugh."

PW: I'd imagine your background in reality TV makes it harder to land feature films, true?
Kristin: The "Van Wilder" producers didn't want to hire me, I had to audition three times for this movie. They thought I was just some girl from reality TV, which I understand. It just makes me fight harder.
PW: Speaking of, your character is a ROTC instructor, are you a fighter in real life?
Kristin: I think so! [laughs] I have a lot of sides to my personality and what you see on "The Hills" is a strong, independent woman, which I am. But I also have a sensitive side that I don't show too much. So for this, I channeled the tomboy inside of me.
PW: When I first "met" your character, I was kind of turned off because she's one of those cutesy pet name people.
Kristin: I know ... that is super cheesy. I would never do that.
PW: Is that the fastest way to turn you off?
Kristin: It depends on what the pet name is, I guess. I don't think I've ever had one and I don't think I ever want one [laughs].
PW: Although she acts uninterested, I think Kaitlin likes Van from the beginning. Do you agree?
Kristin: Well, she has a huge arc in this movie, really changes. But yes, I think she likes him from the beginning.
PW: Do you believe in love at first sight?
Kristin: I don't know. I mean, I can tell within the first two minutes if I'm into someone or not. I can always tell if I get butterflies. The first thing I notice about a guy is his face, but once he opens his mouth and talks it can all change.
PW: You mentioned earlier that being on reality TV makes it hard for you to book movies, then why return to "The Hills"?
Kristin: It was a really hard choice for me. MTV's been asking me to do it for years. I 100% want to be an actress, but with "Van Wilder: Freshman Year" coming out and a few other movies, I thought this would be an exciting way for my fans to reconnect with me because they haven't seen what I've been up to since "Laguna Beach." I thought it would help and, after all, it's what made me famous in the first place.

Kristin: I haven't been able to audition for anything since contractually MTV won't let me. But I'll tell you this, I've gotten a lot more phone calls about going on other shows since.
PW: Did you always want to be an actress?
Kristin: I always wanted to, but I just never thought it was a realistic goal. I was in Chicago and Colorado before that, so I never thought I had a shot. But when these opportunities arose, I thought, why not.
PW: So if "Laguna" never happened, what would you be doing now?
Kristin: I would have gone to college to study broadcast journalism. I wanted to go to Emerson College and would have tried to become a news anchor.
PW: Did you ever go to college?
Kristin: I went to one class at Loyola Marymount. I took public speaking where we went around the room and everyone had to say their name. I said, "Hi, I'm Kristin Cavallari from Laguna Beach" and that's when "Laguna" was actually on TV, so I just decided it wasn't the right time.
PW: Do you want to go back to college eventually?
Kristin: No. Even in high school ... it was just enough. I'm really happy with what I'm doing. I read a lot of books, you know. So, no. I have no urge to go back to college.
PW: Down the road, where do you see your career going?
Kristin: I want to do great movies that are number one at the box office and also independent movies that are dark and miserable. I see myself with a career like Cameron Diaz -- she does "What Happens in Vegas" and then "My Sister's Keeper," so I want to do it all!
PW: Is she your biggest inspiration?
Kristin: Cameron is number one, but I also like Charlize Theron and Sienna Miller ... I'm going off looks too [laughs].
PW: This is the biggest role you've ever had in a movie, are you excited for people to see you differently?
Kristin: I'm so excited, I can't wait for people to see this movie and take me seriously as an actress. I was so nervous during filming but I fought for this role. I want people to love it.

Kristin: Well, we've only filmed for two weeks, so it's hard to say, but I can tell you that it's ... everyone's been ... it's been hard for them to adjust to me I think. So that in and of itself has caused a lot of drama.
PW: Is it weird going from a legit movie to doing loosely scripted reality TV?
Kristin: With "The Hills," they have everything down to such a science, you don't have to think about blocking. But doing "The Hills" has made me want to act so badly. I need a challenge and kinda feel like "The Hills" is taking me a step backwards. But that just makes me want to act that much more and try that much harder.
PW: So we shouldn't expect to see you starring on "The Hills" in 2020?
Kristin: God no [laughs]. I would have not signed up for that. I'm only tied in to two seasons ... so we'll see how things play out.
Credit - NY Post - pop wrap
Hills gossip,
Kristin Cavallari
Holly Montag on Sanjaya: "We are not dating"

So long, Sanjolly!
The hottest reality TV non-star couple that wasn't is officially not. If that makes any sense. In other words, Holly Montag and Sanjaya Malakar are just friends.
Despite becoming close on I'm a Celebrity, Get Me Out of Here, Holly Montag insists there is no jungle fever with American Idol contestant Sanjaya Malakar.
"We are not dating but just very close," Holly said at the Sports Dream Celebrity Poker pool party in Beverly Hills over the weekend.
Although they aren't a couple, a source told Us Weekly the two had plans to go to Hawaii together and drove from L.A. to Seattle to meet his parents.
What does the 25-year-old Montag make of the romance rumors?
"It was funny," Holly said. "I was shocked because we were such close friends, and I had no idea that anyone else thought there was anything romantic going on. People in camp joked about it, but we knew it was a joke so it was funny to us."
No matter what, Holly Montag won't let all the celebrity gossip and rumors stop her from being friends with Sanjaya.
"We will continue our friendship forever," she says.

Credit -
Holly Montag,
Kristin Cavallari promotes Van Wilder: Freshman year in Malibu

Kristin Cavallari blows a kiss at photographers while doing her own photo shoot in Malibu, California.
'The Hills' actress, dressed in a short black dress and wearing a 'Love' necklace, was at the 'Silver Spoon' beach house in Malibu promoting 'Van Wilder: Freshman Year' DVD and chatted on her Blackberry between shots.
Since it was announced that Kristin Cavallari would be the newest face on "The Hills," everyone has been wondering just what kind of trouble the former "Laguna Beach" star has up her sleeve. With Lauren Conrad no longer on the show, it means Cavallari could be the new queen bee of "The Hills."
Cavallari isn't sure what "Hills" fans should expect from her, because she just started filming the new season recently, but she is sure there will be enough drama to go around for everyone.
"We've only been filming for a couple weeks," she told MTV News. "But I can tell you that just me coming on the show has created a little drama, because I think a few people aren't too excited about it."
There have been rumors that Cavallari and "Hills" vet Audrina Patridge aren't getting along so well, which might have something to do with reports that Kristin has her sights set on Audrina's ex-boyfriend, Justin Bobby.
"I'm not dating Justin Bobby," she said, laughing. The aspiring actress promised that she isn't dating any of the guys on the show. "I dated Brody [Jenner] four years ago. He's like a brother to me. There's nothing going on there."
With those guys out of the way as potential love matches for Cavallari when she makes her big return, would she dare make a play for Heidi Montag's hubby, Spencer Pratt? "No!" she said. "He's married, God!"
Credit - bricksandstones,zimbio,celeb city,
Kristin Cavallari
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