There's nothing wrong with this picture, this is a photo taken Thursday evening of Lo Bosworth heading into LA's Bar Delux. Ity appears that something happened to LC's BFF on the way to the club on Thursday. Missing was her signature cheery, laughingly, smiles we've all come to know and love.. or hate, let alone a normal state of mind. Instead, Miss Bosworth looks frozen; as if something greater than Lo herself is holding her spirits hostage. The zombie-like figure continues to pass the pavarazzi in this unusual manner, as more images speak for themselves. Questions about Lo's presence on The Hills, and around Lauren Conrad surface more and more everyday. In fact, Hills fans and LC fans wonder why Lo appeared on The Hills all of a sudden. Were there greater forces involved with Lo's state of mind? Or was she posessed? If Lo Bosworth was posessed, then that would explain why The Hills and LC went into different directions. For instance, when Lo resurfaced slowly, but surely on The Hills Seasons two and three, it wasn't a big impact because Lauren's troubles with Heidi and Spencer were just beginning. But as The Hills got into Season 3 bonus episodes, Lo's presence along with Stephanie was more evident than ever. On a show where Lauren already kicked Heidi out of her life, and had established a good relationship with Audrina, Lo comes in to create more drama on The Hills. But only this time, fans don't welcome Lo with open arms like they did with Audrina, and Whitney. Fans only see Lo as a wedge between Lauren and Audrina's friendship, therefore creating an unwanted vibe on The Hills that would quickly force viewers to change the channel, and ratings dropping over time. And off-camera, Lo has become LC's random new BFF, pushing Audrina aside, making public appearances at clubs, fundraisers, and in magazine interviews; where there was a time when LC and Lo weren't talking to each other due to some unfortunate rifts that had developed. On top of all the changes with The Hills, and LC welcoming Lo back into her life, Lauren Conrad's celebrity and fashion status took a dramatic turn. No longer was Lauren Conrad an uber-hot figure in all of fashion, so the original Lauren Conrad Collection went from hot to not; ultimately leading Kitson's to drop her line and for Lauren Conrad to put her clothing line on hold, to focus on a more-affordable clothing like for Kohl's. As for celebrity, Lauren Conrad was the most-talked about figure among every demographic in December 2007, only to be relegated popular among teens around August 2008. So the biggest question of all, was Lo responsible for all this? What kind of evil spirits had posessed Lauren 'Lo' Bosworth to become a sore thumb in the success of Lauren Conrad and The Hills ? There's no telling what forces were involved in these events, but we do know one thing, these same forces are planting Lo into staying on The Hills without her BFF Lauren Conrad, and oddly sharing LC's new high-rise apartment with her. As Lo's parallel universe intervened with Lauren Conrad's successful reality, it surely spelled trouble.
Credit - the examiner
I'm not the biggest Lo fan so I thought this was pretty hysterical - off base - but hysterical ;)