Thursday, September 17, 2009

New Cast Photos for 'The Hills - Season 5 - part 2

Click here to see Kristin's promo photos or here for Audrina's photos.
Click here to go to to see all of the photos


  1. All of these shots are ridiculous. It's like the producers are drumming up every ounce of drama they possibly can. It seems as if it's 100% scripted now. And is it me or does Audrina's face seem a bit off here?

  2. I agree with you Tessa. They've all been photoshopped to death which is silly considering how good looking they all are. I'm excited to watch 'The Hills' but I wish they'd stop playing up all the fake Kristin and JB drama. We all know there is nothing going on there or with Kristin and Brody either. I wish MTV would give their viewers a little more credit.
