"I feel like shopping n New York and having nice and sober New Years," Stephanie told Hollyscoop at the French Connection Holiday Suite. "Life is very good," she added.
Stephanie got busted for a D.U.I. on October 18th after celebrating Holly Montag's birthday at Empire nightclub. She blew a .08, which is the legal limit in California, but the police officer wasn't pleased with the result. He made her take the breathalyzer test one more time, which is when she blew a .09.
Some outlets are speculating that MTV may have allegedly set up The Hills star in order to boost ratings for the show. This comes just a few weeks after Stephanie told Hollyscoop that she was leaving the show after this season.
But Stephanie's main concern now is just spending some time with her family and attending Church. "It’s a new thing," she tells Hollyscoop. But don't expect to see her equally famous brother there. "No, not with Spencer, I have my own life," she added.
While Stephanie preps for a sober New Years, she had a special message for everyone. "I just want to wish you guys happy holidays. Everyone have a wonderful Thanksgiving, Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah. Have a great Kwanzaa, and everything else and Happy New Years."
credit - hollyscoop
I wish Stephanie the best but actions speak louder than words.